Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There was a time when I was a little flower, used to hop around, play around, prank people, laugh unweighted loads, could cry when someone slapped, could shout when I was hurt... Everything was free... Shackles I did not know...
And now, I have changed.... That transition that made me professional engineering student, has changed me, now I do not waste my smiles. I have stopped giving smiles to everyone on the way, therefore with some people, I have left scars... I have stopped respecting and believing everyone... I have started selections, aggregations!! Perhaps that is what people call maturity, the art of deftness is purely maturity, the art of weighing is definitely maturity. SO I am undoubtedly mature...

I feel like sharing a nice good experience, good because it has taught me the biggest lessons in life. There I was in a lab and doing my work, I looked behind at a particularly nice naughty friend of mine, to say- 'Stop it! Let me work! Enough! Now stop disturbing me'... And she whispered in my ear- Ok then, never again I will do it!

Hurt, I was hurt, because actually somewhere there are a few lot of people in your life, you like getting disturbed by, so I went to her- with a smile- and said- "I am sorry dear.." And she looked back and said- "Go back, I am doing my work. Do not disturb"
SO struck was I at this small sentence, that I decided to put it at my blog. People in life , except your parents and mentors, won't understand you, won't wait for you, won't ever try to see you from your perspective! They will understand you, as you appear to them apparently, and when you hurt them, they will also look back on hurting you equally, which is right!! Very right...
So, the crux of this long story , which might have been a boring dose for you, atleast definitely on my blog, is - Know your limits, do not penetrate deep into thermocols to stick them onto walls, because sometimes the depth of thermocols is longer than the depth of your screw to punch them onto walls....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You know Yashna.......for you words have different meaning than they've for others.......This perhaps we understand when it happens with us that our words have been misinterpreted, but we as humans often fail to understand when we do that with others....
