Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thanks to the Wrong Ones!!

This one's for the people who have frustrated me enough!! And here's expressing my "THANKS"!!

Sometimes I think, what will be the best place to be? And my heart says- “It’s heaven”. And for me, Heaven always was like Kashmir may be, or Darjeeling or may be the ridges in Switzerland. Yeah, that should be heaven, beautiful ponds, lovely trees, mountains, chirping birds, cute deer, and me- in a hut by the river side!! Whoa!!

But my heart says something else- There’s something inside me which says- it’s not about the place, it’s not about the weather, it’s all inside. The truth in your heart, the faith in yourself, the gratitude for others, the humbleness you hold, the veil of limits, the will to go against all odds and be just yourself, that’s heaven!!

There’s some thing inside me that says- It’s not about the money, it’s not about the luxury, it’s a state where you find the will to survive in a pond full of dirt ,& be the lotus; where you decide not to bow down, but to let others know- that there are some people who are more adamant than anyone else; where you aim not to impress people, just yourself and everything else just doesn’t matter; where your eyes can see everything is wrong, your ears can hear everything is noisy, and you can sense how much corrupt and interfering the system is, still you smile and say: “Whoa ! It’s a mess!! But I am going to take care of that, because it’s mine and I don’t like the dirt at all!!:) ”

Sometimes I think, how beautiful the world will be if everyone were nice, good and sophisticated. But there’s some voice from inside which says- “You are wrong. You would not be able to survive if everyone were good, because then the rate of doing Karma might come down!!” May be it’s always so lovely and so satiating to be a part of the world where 95% people are corrupt because they can’t control their senses, and you enjoy the pleasure and proud of being those 5% who could keep themselves intact, even in the mud of bad things. I think there’s nothing more wonderful than that!! It makes me feel good, it makes me feel intact, and it makes me feel I am worth something.

So this one’s for the bad ones, the wrong ones in my life!! Thanks, for being in my world. Had you not been there, I would have never realized, how special it’s to be truthful!! Thanks, for making me proud of myself. I have no aims to change you, just be the way you are!! And I will be the way I am, and I know I am going to better off always. Thanks for making me special in my own eyes. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. "Someone" is missing in the hut of that heaven, no? :D :D
    And yes, I like it... I like it... You say "Thank you" and "I love you" to bad people too... :) And the best part is, I've realized u mean it... And I really respect you for that :) :) Be the way you are... :) :)
