I have often observed the guitar, with some few strings which play the most harmonious tunes in the world. This is about a short anecdote.
One day long back,
Listening to my favourite track,
I thought I would play,
With my Guitar that lay,
With all its rhythms fine,
And a beautiful evening time,
I touched the strings in leisure,
And with my aims of pleasure,
I moved the one, the melodious most,
The one which was my favourite most,
Again and again I moved it tight,
Playing my tunes day and night,
Because I knew it won’t break ever,
That was my faith, undying forever,
One day I found, my Musics disperse,
Something wrong with my favourite verse,
I checked, I looked and I found,
My favourite string was loosened around
I had tears in my eyes,
For my thoughts unwise,
But my little string seemed to say,
I am okay, just tired on my way,
I tightened it up, and the songs came back,
As if it had forgotten all my attack,
But my guitar and its strings, taught me something,
About it and the circumference of life’s ring,
God plays rhythms and his strings we all belong,
And he plays only those with melodies strong,
So if you feel pained in life,
Facing an excessive strife,
It’s because you are the one so close,
The rhythm of God’s favourite prose,
And he can see, hear and think
And with his strings, has a strong link,
He loves you more than you ever thought,
And has more love than you have got,
So, never give up and hold on
Because every dusk has a dawn...
This was needed. Beautiful. Peace.